Sunday 11 November 2007

Day of Reflection - Golden Oldies

These two very mature silver birches stand in the garden of the Old Vicarage on Bath Road. The lovely red brick Victorian building used to be the vicarage for Christ Church in Old Town. When that was relocated to a building next to the church the Old Vicarage stood derelict for many years before being bought by a housing association and converted into retirement flats. (My dear mother now lives there - which is how I got to take a picture of these two golden oldies today).

A poem for Armistice Day
Everyone Sang - by Siegfried Sassoon
Everyone suddenly burst out singing;
And I was filled with such delight
As prisoned birds must find in freedom
Winging wildly across the white
orchards and dark-green fields; on; on; and out of sight.
Everyone's voice was suddenly lifted,
And beauty came like the setting sun,
My heart was shaken with tears; and horror
Drifted away ... O but every one
Was a bird; and the song was wordless; the singing
will never be done